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Shabbat Shuvah - COVID-19 Through a Jewish Lens with Dr. David Fisman

Saturday, 26 September, 2020 8 Tishrei 5781

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Temple Israel is inviting you to a scheduled Eventbrite meeting.

Topic: Shabbat Shuvah - COVID-19 Through a Jewish Lens with Dr. David Fisman
Time: Sep 26, 2020 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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As we turn to thoughts of a new year in the Jewish calendar, we reflect on the year that has passed. COVID-19 has been a defining issue around the entire world, and will continue to shape daily life for a length of time we can only imagine.

Please join us as we hear from Dr. David Fisman about the social justice issues presented by the current pandemic, with an eye to how our Jewish values inform our understanding of this unprecedented global challenge. We will include prayers and readings to honour those affected by COVID-19.

Dr. David FismanDr. David Fisman, MD, FRCPC, is an epidemiologist and professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and a practising physician at the University Health Network in Toronto. Dr. Fisman received a grant from CIHR’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) rapid research funding competition to gain a better understanding of the pandemic.

Dr. Fisman is a frequent contributor to news and social media on disease and public health, making the sometimes-arcane world of data come to life for laypeople. He is an outspoken advocate for strong, evidence-based public health policy

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