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Watch this page for details on all of our High Holy Day events and services.

See below for:

Plus, if you are technically inclined, download one of these Temple Israel images for your virtual background!

You may be wondering...

Do I have to be a member, and is there a cost to attend your services?

No, we are proud to say that Temple Israel's services have always been free and open to the public. All are welcome!

However, if you are not a member of Temple Israel, it is customary to make a donation to help us manage the considerable cost of supporting the spiritual needs of our community. 

Do I have to register join you on Zoom?

Yes and no. To Zoom (which allows you to see and "chat" with participants), you will need to sign up for a link.

If you are not a member, or you did not get the sign-up link by Friday, September 11, please email the office.

If I don't register, is there still a way for me to share in the service?

Yes! If you are unable to Zoom with us, you can watch our services live on Facebook and You Tube.

Will I need a prayerbook?

Nope! But you might want one, so check out how to borrow or buy a copy for yourself (below).

What if I lose power, or I don't make it online in time for services?

Our service recordings will be available online after they are broadcast. You can watch them any time.

Did I hear something about free challah and a seasonal "surprise?" Is that for real?

Yes! Enjoy a round challah from Angelo’s bakery, plus a special Rosh HaShanah surprise. If you need to borrow prayer books, you can retrieve those at the same time.

Please RSVP to the Temple office so we may ensure a sufficient supply. 

If you are not a Temple Member, we kindly suggest a donation of $36 (while quantities are available}.

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I don't know, watching from my couch doesn't really compare to the experience of live services with the choir

We know that the restrictions required under Covid-19 present a real challenge to worship communities everywhere.

Online services are not the same as joining together at the JCC with our community. But they can still feel special if you do just a few things to make your home what our rabbis called a "mikdash m'at" - a small sanctuary.

What do you suggest to make it feel like I'm in a "real" service?

Choose your "setting" with the season in mind. It's an opportunity to sit comfortably as a family on the living room couch. Or maybe, you will want to sit around a table together, with places to display candles, flowers, or other items to create your sacred space

For more suggestions to turn your home into a sanctuary for the High Holy Days, check out this article on

One of my favourite things is talking to all the Temple people I don't get to see other times of the year. Won't it feel lonely this way?

It may not be the same as kibbutzing in the hallway or catching up on your way out the door, but our services will be broadcast as Zoom meetings, which allow for chatting and sharing during the service, and seeing each other's faces in the "gallery." 

Just don't send too many messages; even on mute, "chatting" can disturb the other people in attendance.

Do we "dress up" if all we are doing is sitting on the couch watching services on a laptop? 

The Hebrew word for holy or sacred is "hekdesh," which means "set apart." Dressing in your finery may lend authenticity to the moments, set apart from the drudgery of day after day alone or socially distancing. Or maybe dress in a crisp, white shirt, like many do in Israel, just as we clothe our Torahs. 

But then again, when else will you be able to sit through services in sweats and a baseball cap? Do whatever helps you create a space for inspiration and spiritual reflection. (Just be mindful of your "Zoom" image - if you don't want us to know you're in your bunny slippers, turn off your video, or at least keep your feet under the table.)

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We suggest the following symbols and rituals you can include at home, to share in the themes of our services:

Erev Rosh HaShanah

We begin our service lighting candles. Even if you don't usually make Shabbat or Festival meals at your home, pull out those candles collecting dust and light them with us. Traditionally, we light two candles on Shabbat and Holy Days, but you can make it your own. Have a candle for each member of your family, or one per generation celebrating together.

We dip apples in honey to usher in a sweet new year, so have some of those ready for services. And you don't have to wait for dinner to enjoy that glass of kiddush wine!

Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Mornings

Morning services include Torah readings, so it is appropriate to wear a Tallit. You could also have your own "torah" on the call - whether it's the tiny Torah your child decorated for consecration, or your favourite printed edition.

Erev Yom Kippur / Kol Nidrei

Kol Nidrei is the one evening service where it is customary to wear your Tallit. Some people also choose to wear white clothing. 

Yom Kippur Yizkor / Memorial

To personalize your Yizkor service, consider including heirlooms or photos of your loved ones. You can also light your own memorial candle for the service.

Yom Kippur N'ilah / Concluding Service

Special "Havdalah" candles typically contain multiple wicks, braided together. If you don't have a Havdalah candle, light an individual candle for each member of your family. Or even a candelabrum! We can light these together at the end of the service when we celebrate Havdalah.

For those who fast, you will still have to listen to your refrigerator running - but maybe you can go outside to avoid the aromas as your break-the-fast gets ready!

And of course, no TI Yom Kippur would be the same without...the roses! A Temple Israel tradition has been to distribute the roses from the beautiful bimah arrangements at the end of services. To keep the spirit of this tradition alive, maybe have your own stems of roses on your table during Zoom.

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How to Zoom, watch, or listen to our services:

I would really like to watch the services, but I can't get my @#%& device to work. Can you help?

Well, we are not tech experts, but we have a team of friendly volunteers ready to help you out. Please email the office with your questions.

Even if you haven't been on a service with us yet, give it a try! There are a lot of tips for newcomers on the Zoom website, like:

I have a tiny computer and an enormous television set. If only I could watch you on TV!

Well, we aren't famous enough for services to be broadcast on TV or cable, but did you know there are ways to connect your television to a PC or tablet? If you Google "connecting laptop to TV" or "connecting tablet to TV," you will find many, many articles and videos to help with your specific setup.

And of course, if your cable box includes YouTube, you can watch us directly from your TV.

Watching on my PC or tablet just isn't an option. Do you have anything for me?

Yes! Our "Zoom" links all include phone numbers that you can use to listen to our services. A phone call and a prayerbook, and you are all set! If you need a prayerbook, see the pickup instructions.

Will I need a prayerbook?

Our services will include the text of the prayers and readings on-screen.

For many people, though, a copy of the prayerbook enhances the experience.

A book in your hands allows you to browse the pages and explore texts that are most meaningful to you.

What if I don't have my own copy of the prayerbook?

There are multiple options available to you:

You can use hard copies of the books:

  • Reserve a copy at Temple Israel (email and phone number required)
  • Purchase your own set (we have a limited number of copies for sale)

You can read an electronic copy on a second device:


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Sun, 23 February 2025 25 Sh'vat 5785